Coping with Your Grief
(2nd edition)

Robert Baugher, PhD & John R. Jordan, PhD

After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief (2nd Edition) is an updated and expanded edition of the original classic, ASL. As with the original, this book is written specifically for suicide loss survivors: people who are grieving the loss of someone important to them by suicide. The book has three broad narrative sections. The first is titled Impact – The First Days, Weeks, and Months after a Suicide, and it contains specific information about the variety of distressing reactions after a suicide, as well as specific suggestions for self-care of the body, mind, and spirit. The second section is titled Absorbing the Blow: The First Year and Beyond. This segment includes information about bereavement after suicide after the first year anniversary of the death. It discusses the impact of suicide loss on relationships within and outside the family, and offers a greatly expanded section on the impact of suicide on children, with suggestions for helping children cope with the loss of a loved one to suicide. The third section is titled Surviving: Learning to Live with your Loss Over Time. This section discusses issues in dealing with the longer term nature of grief.

After Suicide Loss also contains narratives from eleven people who have lost a loved one to suicide. These survivors offer their advice and support to the reader. Finally, After Suicide Loss has an expanded Appendix section, with six valuable appendices that cover important topics, ranging from when to seek professional help for one’s grief, to understanding why suicide happens, to dealing with suicidality in oneself or someone else in the family. There is also an expanded and extensive reading and resource list for finding additional support for dealing with suicide loss.
After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief (2nd Edition) can be an invaluable resource for the newly bereaved.

To order After Suicide Loss, click here.

“Suicide touches the lives of thousands of people who must deal with the agony and mystery of this tragic phenomenon. In After Suicide Loss, Jordan and Baugher share their vast knowledge and wisdom regarding suicide bereavement; the aftermath of one of the most challenging and complex problems in the world today. You are guided from the moment of personal impact.  You are offered information about what to expect. You receive ideas on how you can help yourself from day one, through the first year and beyond.  The authors assist you in helping children of all ages with their complicated grief. They zero in on every aspect of mourning providing comprehensive suggestions and resources for all ages.  Most of all, from this profound and important work you will feel comforted and you will have HOPE. Read this yourself and pass it on! You will be grateful that you did!”
Iris Bolton, Director Emeritus of the National Resource Center for Suicide Prevention and Aftercare at the LINK Counseling Center- Atlanta, Georgia. Iris lost her son, Mitch, to suicide in 1977.

"This book is the best primer I have read in my 27 years as a survivor of suicide loss. It is rich in its breadth and scope of the complexities of dealing with loss of a loved one, friend or colleague to suicide loss.  It provides education and practical suggestions for the healing journey, while acknowledging the wide range of experience in the grief journey. This book is realistic and practical and left me with such a wonderful sense of hope in dealing with suicide loss. I want every survivor of suicide loss and every person supporting a survivor to have this book."
Shirley Kaminsky, RN,BSN (retired) Loss & Healing Council Chair, Member National Board of Directors of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Co-Founder Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of AFSP. Shirley lost her son, David, to suicide in 1987.

“Direct, compassionate, and practical, After Suicide Loss provides all the vital information that both laymen and professionals need in the immediate aftermath of a suicide and through the first two years and beyond.  Sharing wisdom from their decades of experience working with suicide loss survivors, the co-authors offer a broad roadmap of what to expect and how to navigate the challenging and essential journey back to emotional health.  Required reading for suicide loss survivors, first responders, mental health professionals, and anyone who routinely engages with those who have experienced the trauma of a suicide loss.”
Christine Moutier, MD, - Chief Medical Officer, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.  Dr. Moutier has lost numerous physician colleagues and trainees to suicide. Eric Marcus is the Senior Director for Loss & Bereavement Programs, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Eric lost his father, Irwin, to suicide in 1970.